Mechanical Insulation

We guarantee all of our products and installation!

Industrial Sector

Mechanical insulation in the Industrial Sector includes power, petrochemical, chemical, pulp, paper, refining, gas processing, brewery, heavy manufacturing, and similar applications.

Building/Commercial Sector

Mechanical insulation in the Building/Commercial Sector includes education, healthcare, institutional, retail and wholesale, office, food processing, light manufacturing, and similar applications. 

MECHANICAL INSULATION encompasses all thermal, acoustical, and personnel safety requirements in mechanical piping and equipment, hot and cold applications. Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) applications. Refrigeration and other low-temperature piping and equipment applications.

Unlike building envelope insulation in walls and roofs, mechanical insulation insulates equipment or processes. You will also find mechanical insulation on ductwork, piping, and equipment used in industrial processes.

Insulation comes from various materials, including cellular, fibrous, flake, granular, and reflective. Mechanical insulation serves many functions, including protecting workers from burns on hot surfaces, lessening noise on air-handling systems (for occupant productivity and comfort in offices, for example), and maintaining the temperature of a substance in pipes or equipment to prevent more energy from being used to re-heat or re-cool it when it reaches its destination.

National Insulation Association®. (2012, February 1). What is mechanical insulation? Insulation Outlook Magazine. Retrieved February 10, 2023, from

We guarantee all of our products and installation for one year after the completion of the work. At our own cost and expense, we will return to the project site to repair or replace defective or nonconforming materials or equipment or remedy improper installation.

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